• The Myers Cocktail

    The Wonderful benefits of the Myers "Cocktail" lV were First introduced in the 1960's by Dr. John Myers of John Hopkins Hospital where he developed a potent vitamin drip that can be customized to patient's needs.

    The Myers is a specifically formulated vitamin drip. A drip is a popular slang for lV therapy. lV therapy delivers liquid hydration and vitamins directly into the vein. lV drips have been around since the mid-19th century, but it wasn't until the 20th century they've become more widely known for their potential as preventative medicine directed at anti-aging and in managing ongoing chronic diseases.

    ln the early days, when there was a preventative health movement, the Myers cocktail was a rising star, but eventually faded away from the public consciousness.

    With the increase of health compromising, prepackaged and processed foods in the home, the anti-aging and disease-fighting benefits of the Myers'cocktail has been re-discovered by doctors and patients alike.

    With a good percentage of people eating outside the home, and nearly half of them eating at fast food places, you are losing most of your beneficial nutrienls to sustain a healthy life. Many people admitted to hospitals are found to have deficiencies, and the problems worsen in the hospital.

    Myers' cocktails are beneficial in preventive therapy including:

    Boosting immune system

    Preventative therapy for frequent travelers who must fly regularly during cold flu seasons

    Approved athletic sports performance enhancement

    Hangover remedy

    Before receiving your vitamin drip, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and eat beforehand. This will help prevent feeling dizzy or faint during and after treatment. Drinking water also makes it easier for the nurse to get to your vein as well.

Vitamin Benefits

  • B-12

    Nutrient that helps keep the body's nerve and blood cells healthy and make DNA

    Increases energy

    Boosts metabolism

    Prevents megaloblastic anemia

  • BCAA's

    Decreases muscle soreness

    Reduces fatigue

    Fortifies the immune system

    Promotes muscle protein synthesis

    Reduces excercise induced muscle soreness and damage

  • B-Complex

    Growth of red blood cells

    Helps eyesight

    Aids nerve function

    Healthy appetite

    Includes vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6

  • Biotin

    Revitalizes hair and skin

    Improves digestion

    Lowers cholesterol

    Improves metabolism

    Regulates blood sugar

  • Choline

    Supports nervous system

    Aids liver function

    Improves energy levels and muscle movement

    Promotes healthy brain development

  • Vitamin C

    Immune health

    General wellness

    Combats stroke

    Maintains elasticity of the skin

    Prevents lead toxicity

  • Vitamin D

    Maintains heathy teeth and bones

    Supports immune, brain, and nervous system health

    Supports lung function and cardiovascular health

    Influences the expression of genes involved in cancer development

  • Glutathione

    Reduces Oxidative stress

    Reduces cell damage in alcoholic and non alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Increases mobility for those with peripheral artery disease

    Reduces symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

    May help fight against autoimmune disease

  • lnositol

    Helps the nerves communicate with each other and promotes the formation of new nerves, improves signaling between neurons and promotes better cognitive function

    Relieves symptoms of depression

    Alleviates anxiety disorders

    Boosts Circulation

  • L-Carnintine

    Helps the body turn fat to energy

    Prevents muscle damage

    Enhances weight loss

    Boosts brain function

    Regulates blood sugar

  • Methionine

    Required for normal growth and repair of body tissues; it cannot be made by the body, but must be obtained from the diet; thus, it is considered an “essential” amino acid

    Improves the tone and elasticity of the skin, promotes healthy hair and strengthens the nails

    Protects the cells from pollutants

    Aids in the excretion of heavy metals (such as lead and mercury)

    Prevents excess fat buildup in the liver (by acting as a lipotropic agent—one that facilitates the breakdown of fats)

    Lowers cholesterol levels by increasing lecithin production in the liver

  • MIC

    Reduces stored body fat

    Liver cleanser

    Speeds up metabolism

    Increases energy

  • Taurine

    Lowers cholesterol

    Aids with depression

    Promotes healthy metabolism

    Protects the eyes, heart and muscles

    Protects against brain aging

    Protects against neurological conditions

  • Zinc

    Supports the function of your immune system

    Develops your reproductive system

    Develops your sense of taste and smell

    Produces and stores insulin

    Helps your thyroid and metabolism work properly

    Makes proteins and DNA

IV Therapy 101

  • When you think of an IV drip, you probably picture a trip to the hospital or ER. A needle is inserted into a patient’s arm to deliver treatment when someone is sick. But IV Therapy can be used for so much more. At PS Infusion, we offer specialized IV Therapy services delivered in the comfort of your home, office or hotel room in Joshua Tree, 29 Palms, all of Coachella Valley.

    IV Therapy is the fastest way to get your body the vitamins and fluids it needs to help alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms associated with dehydration. The intravenous route is the fastest delivery method because it introduces the benefits of the IV drip directly to your circulation, replacing fluids, nutrients and vitamins throughout your body.

    An IV drip can quickly and effectively alleviate symptoms like migraines, nausea and many more, speeding up your recovery from hangovers, cold, flu, food poisoning and other conditions. IV drips can also be used to help improve your overall wellness, leaving you feeling energized and just all-around good.

    A visit to the emergency room to address the effects of a flu or hangover takes a lot of time out of your day and can end up being a costly hassle. You don’t need to search for IV Therapies near you either. We come to you to save you time and energy. Before long, one of our IV infusion Nurses will be by your side to administer the infusion. It’s that simple.